How can you help?

Take Action to Help Animals!

1 . Move Toward a Plant-based Diet

Over 95% of the cruelty to animals in the United States occurs at the hands of the meat, dairy, and egg industries which confine, mutilate, and slaughter over 9 billion land animals each year.

Since our diets are the leading root cause of animal abuse, this is the best place to start helping animals -- by choosing kindness over cruelty everytime we eat.

By adopting a diet free of animal products, you can spare the lives of dozens of land animals and countless aquatic animals each year. That adds up to thousands during a lifetime.

Of course, adopting new habits can be challenging at first. Although some people become vegan overnight, most people look at becoming vegetarian or vegan as a process, and take time to develop new eating habits.

To learn more about how to incorporate more vegetarian meals into your diet, explore ChooseVeg.com This site has tips, recipes, videos, and everything else you need to help make the switch.

You can also order a free vegetarian Starter kit for additional tips and recipes to help you get started.

2 . Teach Yourself and Others about The Issues

After you've been vegetarian or vegan for a while, you may notice that people start asking you a lot of questions such as:

- "Where do you get your proteins";
- "What will we do with all the animals if everyone goes vegetarian?" Wouldn’t they take over? ;
- "Don't you need to drink cow's milk for calcium ?;

Sometimes, people are simply trying to justify their own eating habits by posing such questions, but other times people are genuinely interested in learning more. If it feels argumentative, gracefully end the conversation by smiling and calmly saying, "Thank you for your interest in vegetarianism. If you would like to learn more about it I suggest you visit ChooseVeg.com or read this brochure," and then hand them some pro-vegetarian literature

However, for those people who are genuinely curious and interested in learning more, these conversations can be a wonderful way to help animals and share information.

Learning as much as you can about factory farming and vegetarian living is important. Not only will it deepen your own understanding of these issues, but it will also enable you to more easily inform others. But remember, you don’t need to be an expert to help animals. Just be honest, speak from the heart, and share with others why you're a vegetarian.

Most people have never been exposed to the idea of vegetarian or vegan eating before, and you will likely be the first person who shapes their idea of what vegans are like, so strive to be knowledgeable, patient, respectful, and joyful -- regardless of how unreceptive someone might be to you.

Check out these resources for more info:

3. Become an Online Activist!

If you have a website, Twitter account, or Facebook profile, consider adding a web banner or video to your page, or sharing MFA's blog posts with your friends and followers.

Download the guide Never be silent from peta.org

Video footage is the most powerful tool the animal protection movement has to expose the plight of farmed animals. Here are some ideas to expose people to the truth:

Share MFA's eye-opening documentary Farm to Fridge on Facebook. Just click the "Share on Facebook" button found on MeatVideo.com . Also consider sharing on other social networking platforms, such as Twitter.

* Comment on web articles and blogs about factory farming with a link to MeatVideo.com

* Email the MeatVideo.com link to friends and family

* Embed the YouTube video of Farm to Fridge on your blog or website

Place a link to MeatVideo.com in your email signature, exposing the truth behind meat, dairy, and egg production with every email you send.

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